Services Offered
Real Estate Investment

Property management for real estate investors is
another of the many services we offer at Southeastern.
If you are a property investor, searching for management of your existing properties or additional assets to add to your portfolio, we can help you.

Managing a portfolio of real estate assets can be overwhelming and tedious. We relieve the stress. For over 20 years we have been providing property analysis and strategic planning to create maximum returns on
our clients investments.

Services we offer our clients:
- Full management services
- Bookkeeping & Reporting
- Accounting for Limited Partnerships and family trusts
- Accounting for companies of companies and trust
of companies with separate or combined reporting
- Asset management, including:
- Risk management and review of insurance options
- Cost management analysis with cash-flow and reserve forecasting
- Advising in regards to sale, exchange, capital improvements, and repositioning of real estate assets
- Negotiating and soliciting service contracts
- Hiring and supervising on-site personnel or subcontractors